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We are dedicated to transforming accounting firms into high-value entities. Gain the insights necessary to strategically grow your firm for a successful exit, with practical steps you can take even as you’re operating your firm. It all starts with knowing your firm’s value today.

*83% Rightworks Academy members interviewed do not have documented succession plan

Get sale-ready with RightExit – Q2 2024

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With RightWorks Community Partners and RightWorks Academy Coaches, we empower your firm’s success. Our guidance ensures a seamless transition, preparing firms for successful sales and standout marketplace success.

Empowering M&A success – Q4 2024

Explore the marketplace

RightExit’s M&A Marketplace connects motivated buyers and sellers, facilitating strategic acquisitions and divestitures. It’s a platform for firms ready to sell, empowering all M&A participants to discover and engage in successful transactions.

Accounting Firm Insights for Success

Uncover the secrets to accounting firm success and M&A mastery

  • The Art of Timing: Selling Your Business at the Right Moment

    The Art of Timing: Selling Your Business at the Right Moment

    Selling a business is a pivotal decision that requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Timing, in particular, plays a crucial role in determining the success of the sale, its valuation, and the legacy you leave behind. It’s not just about making the decision to sell; it’s about making the decision at the right time. Here’s…

  • Asset vs. Stock Purchase: Which One is Right for You?

    Asset vs. Stock Purchase: Which One is Right for You?

    When buying an accounting practice, it is vital to know the differences between asset purchases and stock purchases. These are the two main types of transactions, and they have different impacts for buyers and sellers, such as tax outcomes and liability risks. Here’s a closer look at both, explaining their specifics. Asset Purchases In an…

  • The Human Factor: The Key to Sustainable M&A Success

    The Human Factor: The Key to Sustainable M&A Success

    Last week, we explored the critical role of change management in enhancing the outcomes of M&A, emphasizing the importance of a people-centered approach to overcoming the challenges inherent in these deals. This week, we delve deeper into the human factor, underscoring how aligning strategic goals with the workforce’s needs and aspirations can mitigate risks and…

  • Enhancing Outcomes of M&A: Applying Change Management as the Key Strategy to Tackling Deal Challenges

    Enhancing Outcomes of M&A: Applying Change Management as the Key Strategy to Tackling Deal Challenges

    In the quest for accelerated business growth, M&A stands out as a pivotal strategy for expanding quickly, creating significant value, and boosting shareholder returns. Yet, the inherent risks of M&A activities mean that many deals fail to meet their expected outcomes, showcasing a critical gap between strategic planning and effective implementation. Against this backdrop, adept…